I was really impressed with CJ's passion for his topic and his desire to make a difference. His idea to start a football program for kids who can't afford expensive football camps was very motivating and made me start thinking about how I could give back to the community with my own skills and interests. The pictures and content of the presentation were also very good.

Cammy's speech about her animals was also fascinating. Not too long ago, I had my dog, my roommate's cat, and the two puppies we were fostering. I thought that was a lot of animals to have in an apartment, but four pets is nothing compared to what Cammy has! The number and variety of pets she has is amazing - and getting to pet a baby squirrel was really cool. Her pictures were also very effective (and cute!) and I hope she was successful in inspiring the class to help out in the animal world!
The last speech I want to discuss is Jamie's speech about Gatorade. I thought it was a cool topic because Gatorade is something most (if not all) of us have had, but probably something not many people real

Everyone gave really interesting speeches, but these three stuck out to me. Unfortunately, I had to leave early on Friday so my dogs wouldn't be distracting everyone, so I didn't get to see the rest of the speeches. However, I was very impressed with all of the ones I did see!
Hey Cassidy!! Just wanted to let you know that I wrote about you in my blog!!
Hi Cassidy, just wanted to say that I wrote about your presentation!
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